Player website pages are required for all 8th-12th grade players.
Head to www.wix.com and create an account
It will ask “What type of website are you wanting to make”
Click any categories… It doesn’t matter
Click “Create Your Website with Wix Editor”
Click choose Template
Scroll through some of the templates and once you find the one you like Click “edit”
DO NOT buy a domain. This is a website you can make a FREE account
Start Designing your player website. Players can be as creative as they want, but must have the following included…
First & Last Name
At least one head shot photo. You can put more if you want.
Height (DON’T LIE)
High School
High School Coach name and email
Basketball Awards
ACT Score (if you have one)
Information about siblings (especially if they play in college. List that)
Ex: Sally (18) Plays basketball at UWM
Ex: Brian (19) Play football at Whitewater
Majors that interest you
Your personal email
Parents names and a little information on them
Highlight films
Full Games (Post at least 2)
Link your social media pages
Coaches like to follow kids​​
5. Once completed send the link to coachnikkimke@gmail.com
6. Once your website is approved we will then post on our Roster Page.
Get creative with your page! College coaches are going to be looking at them. Put as much information as you are comfortable with sharing. The page should represent who you are!
If you are interested in higher a videographer here is a good one